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The Nostalgia Project

An Interactive exhibition for Woven Festival 2019

Lauren Riley, Tabassum Ahmed , Lucian Li 

A team of Art & Design Masters students from the School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield.

Urban Design Students; Tabassum & Lucian and Textile practice student; Lauren collaborated, using their skills as researchers and creatives they designed & curated an interactive exhibition on the theme of ‘Huddersfield’s Heritage & Innovation in Textiles’.


Through nostalgic resonance the project aimed to bring back the lived memories & experiences of the regions’ Textile industry, allowing visitors to revisit and share the stories of their historic threads. Through engagement activities the project hoped to encourage social interactions between all generations helping to connect the strong heritage with todays innovative developments to inspire future generations of textile practitioners. 


The project relied on community engagement & participation to build a portfolio of primary research that could be used to provoke innovative processes to improve cultural ecologies within the local community.

About: About


Who We Are

Lauren Riley

MA Fashion Textile Practice

Tabassum Ahmed

PHD Researcher Urban Design

About: Team Members
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